To greatness, to Leo Messi!


There are a few things that cannot be quantified. There are a few things that cannot be constrained by measurements. There are a few things that only exist in superlatives. There are a few things that are gobsmackingly outrageous and yet exquisitely beautiful, at the same time.

Greatness is one such thing. The beauty of greatness lies in the fact that, invariably, greatness is ubiquitous. Humans are way too pigeonholed to grasp the vastness and abundance of greatness. So one may dismiss it, one may even scrutinize it, but that’s the thing about greatness – it doesn’t need validation.

In the expansive Universe, greatness exists in multitude. No matter how many times it is repudiated, no matter how often it is chided, greatness doesn’t care. Greatness isn’t insecure. Greatness doesn’t seek for laurels and neither does it care about slander. Greatness does its own thing.

So while one misses out on a lot of greatness often, sometimes, fortune prevails and greatness just happens to stumble its way into your life. On the face of the earth, a speck of greatness was formed, some twenty-eight odd years back. This speck of greatness was christened Lionel Messi.

Why is he great? His preposterous talent, his immaculate skills, his gentle persona, all of this accounts to his greatness, it does.

Perhaps the most compelling part about this man, however, would simply be his impact. He may have haters, and he may have insane fans spawned across the globe. He may have detractors and he may have admiring defenders, but the capacity at which he influences people – either negatively, or positively – is exceptional. People may dislike him (for most parts because he isn’t a stalwart of their team) and people may adore him ( because, why wouldn’t they?) , but regardless, he possesses this phenomenal ability to enrapture non-football enthusiasts into proponents of football. People may deny his brutality, but they cannot decry his culpability in having their blood pressure raised and their palpitations increased, whenever he represents the opposition.

Twenty eight years of brilliance. Twenty eight years of superlative talent. Here’s to greatness that needs no approbation; it just needs to be witnessed and appreciated.

Happy Birthday, Messi.  ❤